Friday, July 4, 2008

True Independance

The view from the back of my horse on the fourth of July is the true meaning of independance. I have spent the week with one particular dog that is a sweet heart but LOVES to bark. She barks from the time she wakes up until the time she goes to sleep which is usually about an hour and then she barks again. She is a sweet dog and I really think she is cool but she barks and hascontinued to bark for eight days straight. She is hyper and has a spastic colon as a result of this so when there was blood in her stool, I put her in my car and took her to the vet. I realized I was out of gas so I stopped at the gas station, locked the doors so she would be safe, went in to pay and when I came out, she wouldn't let me back in my car. She thought I was a stranger trying to break into my own car and guess what, she barked! She goes home Saturday...independance!

The Toro company has decided to put a new deck on the tractor I was having trouble with and the dealer has had since Memorial Day. I can finally park the old Huskee that spews black smoke and hot air...independance!

We are leaving for Kentucky Thursday morning to present some seminars for the American Bashkir Curly national convention at the Kentucky Horse Park and I can sleep for five hours while my hubby drives. No phones, no barking, no mowing grass or weed wacking or any other every day chores...independance!

I am taking this weekend to get my stallion out and ride him because breeding season is over for the horses and I will have his full undivided attention! I havent had this since last fall. Just me and him and sunshine. Then I am going to float on a raft in the pool before the busy week ahead begins...independance!

I am going to be 50 soon but I am still independant enough to dress myself, feed myself, go to the bathroom by myself and do all the other things that don't yet require the help of another person! I am grateful that, I can tell you!

But all kidding aside, I want to thank every serviceman that has fought for our independance as a nation and every family member that has sacrificed a soldier we have lost in that fight whether they be a father, brother or son, a mother sister or daughter. So the view from the back of my horse is that brand spanking new red white and blue flag that I proudly hang each year on this day that honors them and reminds me never to take one breath of my independance for granted. The cost they have paid has been high and in exchange, we must never forget to thank them for that. Go out and buy a brand new flag and retire the old one and hang it proudly in their honor today. Make some noise in their honor and light up the sky with fireworks in their honor. Let freedom ring so loudly that they hear it all the way across the world where they dont know the meaning of the word independance. Raise some hell, my fellow Americans! Be grateful for our freedom and have a safe and enjoyable fourth of July.


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