Thursday, June 26, 2008

What a Silly Question!

The horses graze on the back three acres which leaves the front 1 1/2 to 2 acres to mow. As I said, I am using a 15 year old MTD Huskee and the thing is just not enjoyable. I like mowing grass but not with this mower. It is 88 degrees and the mower blows hot air at you while you mow, it also spews out black smoke. The gas pedal is just far enough out of my reach that I have to twist at an angle to reach it and even then it only goes about 2 miles an hour.

So the thing about me is that I think life should be fun. If I have to do something that is not fun, I find ways to make it less boring. Hence the Mickey Mouse ears. Yep, I have still not gotten to go to Disneyland but when times get tough and I have to do a chore that I am not particulary looking forward to, I break out the ears and put them on. It adds humor to my life. My grandson got them for me when HE went to Disneyland.

So I am out mowing, ears in place when a black pickup truck pulls up and stops. "Excuse me", I hear from the truck. So I stop the mower. "My husband and I were driving by and noticed you are wearing Mickey Mouse ears to mow the grass, can I ask why?"I can hear her husband laughing from the driver seat. What a silly question. I smiled and thought to myself, "Tomorrow, you will be the view from my horse". I said "These ears?" Pointing to my big black ears. "Yes", she said. I simply answered..."Because I couldn't find my Elvis sunglasses." Her husband laughed louder and she simply said "Oh". I told her to have a nice day and continued mowing the grass.

Life is hard sometimes and you have to remind yourself to have fun with it regardless. If you have to stop your big black pickup and ask, you will never get it.

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